Hello!? Have you had enough yet? Well, hold on to your hats, folks, because things are about to get real! If you’ve read my blog before, you know I’m not going to claim that every full Moon changes everything… I might make an exception to that this time, LOL!
The sheer number of aspects and planets associated with this full Moon is astounding. Every planet except for Neptune and Pluto is directly implicated in very tight aspects, most of which are oppositions and squares - 2 T-squares, to be technically precise. Even Pluto, Neptune and Uranus have their own little thing going on...
T-squares are generally thought to be triggers for some sort of shift or change affecting more than just one area of life. The fact that we are seeing TWO T-squares in this chart, each with FOUR different planets, definitely tells us that big shifts are on the horizon. This doesn’t mean that things will change overnight, or all at the same time. It’s more like a domino effect - once one falls, then the whole edifice comes down, one block after the other.
Depending on your chart, you may or may not be personally concerned by these transits. I only have one planet in the signs implicated, however, my Venus is located at the same degree as the Ascendant of the natal chart of the United States of America, according to the Sibley calculation. This chart is the one most frequently used by astrologers, and it is definitely affected, with transiting Moon on the same degree as the US Moon, and transiting Mars just 2º from the natal Mars in the US chart. So we, as a country, will definitely see the fallout from these transits.
With the Democratic National Convention set to begin just hours before the full Moon, there is no doubt that whatever is indicated by this chart will affect the Democrats and their choice as a presidential candidate. Kamala Harris herself has her Sun and Moon exactly opposite, at the precise degree of this full Moon - 27º - only in different signs. She also has her Saturn closely conjunct the full Moon. This is very significant, with many interpretations possible because of the number of aspects we are seeing. I will touch on that later.
There are several themes for this full Moon, potentially affecting us both personally and collectively, especially here in the US. Here’s a short list:
Authority vs Sovereignty
Us vs Them
Righteousness and lack of flexibility
A spiritual war
Maturation or breakdown of relationships
Difficult conversations
For the US: feminine leadership unsupported by tradition and founding principles, crossed by a 2-faced system
Let’s examine the first T-square involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. Mercury retrograde has just gone through his cazimi (conjunction) with the Sun, indicating a newness, perhaps a glimmer of truth on his continued path of inner reflection (retrograde). However, far from independent, he is still very much “under the rays” of the Sun. In the royal sign of Leo, Sun and Mercury are, for now, fused in a mindset of domination over the masses, while the Moon, representative of the People, in the sign of We The People (Aquarius) rallies her peeps in retaliation of authoritative measures taken to silence and control the will of the masses. Sounds eerily like what's going on in Britain these days...
Leo and Aquarius are both fixed signs, meaning slow to change, stubborn, but also stable and reliable. Exactly 90º from both the Sun and the Moon is Uranus, also in a fixed sign: Taurus. He sits on the fulcrum that engages the opposite forces of Authority and Sovereignty into a dynamic give-and-take. Synonymous with revolution, sudden change and disruption, Uranus is on a mission to shake things up. These fixed signs do not give in easily, so however quick the first strike may be, this could be a long, drawn-out ordeal.
There is also an “Us vs Them” mentality involved, fueled by an aggressive blame game, frankly coming from both sides, that ironically has been worsened by the DEI policies imposed upon us for the past 4 years. Part of the birthing process into the Age of Aquarius obviously involves releasing ourselves from the programs that pit us against one another, so until we realize that we are all from the same source and whatever affects one affects us all, we can expect to live in that dualistic paradigm. As I mentioned, in fixed signs, this may take a while!
In the Sibley (US) natal chart, the full Moon opposition is taking place across the 3rd and 9th houses, indicating that knowledge and spiritual forces are operating here. Some have called the times we are living, not just in the US, a spiritual war, a war between good and evil. Uranus, coming through the 6th house of effort and sacrifice, may throw down the first challenge that will hopefully get us to think outside of the box and come together as humans, instead of identifying with one side or the other, thereby dehumanizing the others and creating justification for the atrocities that we continue to witness all over the world. The US is a focal point: whatever ends up happening here will have impact on the rest of the world.
In the second T-square, happening in the mutable or double-bodied signs of Virgo, Gemini and Pisces, we see the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, interacting with the two malefics, Mars and Saturn, highlighting the themes of relationship, responsibility, communication and maturity. Mutable or double-bodied signs are said to be flexible and to offer a transition from the fixed sign preceding them to the cardinal sign following them. This gives them the ability to see from multiple points of view, and the flexibility to negotiate and find solutions, where fixed signs tend to dig in their heels and cardinal signs just keep on going.
Venus is not at her best - in her fall in Virgo, she is analytical, self-judgmental and lacks confidence in herself. Opposed by Saturn, incidentally in Pisces, her sign of exaltation, she is feeling constrained, oppressed, perhaps pressed to find an outlet to the pressure she feels. Jupiter and Mars, still within the 3º orb of conjunction in Gemini, are providing the means for Venus to build up the courage to bring up that difficult subject that so needs to be discussed. Saturn opposite Venus sometimes brings an end to relationships, but it may also provide the necessary challenge that helps them to deepen and mature. The advantage of having this T-square in mutable signs is that the difficult conversations that need to happen should quickly give way to a much better flow of communication in relationship.
Let’s pull back and look at this formation from the perspective of Mundane Astrology, that which affects the world, and in this case, the United States. In the US Sibley chart, Venus is in the 10th house, which often designates leadership or governance when the chart is for an entire country. So, a woman in the White House? Maybe… She is debilitated in Virgo, and opposed by Saturn in the 4th house of family, tradition and the ancestors. Whoever Venus represents here is not well looked upon by the old ways, perhaps even by the founding fathers, in the case of this chart.
Jupiter and Mars in Gemini hold the fulcrum point and represent the two faces of the American political system, the Republicans and the Democrats. This could also represent a strong divide within one party, in this case the Democrats, since it corresponds to the start of their convention. And, as Kamala Harris’ birth chart is so strongly connected to this one, it is easy to conclude that Venus represents her in this chart, as the leader of the Democratic Party. If this is the case, we may see a rival show up, or an incident that forces people to ask questions… or information that exposes some wrongdoing. One astrologer calls this chart the harbinger of “a tsunami of thruth” - I do not disagree with that statement.
The fact that Jupiter and Saturn are entering their first square since they conjoined at 0º Aquarius in December of 2020, precisely at the time of this full Moon, is highly significant. Jupiter’s retrograde later this year followed by his movement direct early next year will deepen and conclude the outcome of this aspect. Jupiter and Saturn’s cycle lasts 20 years, starting with their conjunction (equivalent to a new Moon), followed by the square (1st quarter Moon), the opposition (full Moon) and final square (last quarter Moon). This cycle has long-term effects that are felt over the span of a generation. Their conjunction in Aquarius 2020 was one of the markers for the start of the Age of Aquarius.
This square, almost 5 years later, marks the first reality check along the way - what are we doing and what have we done to manifest brotherly love, peace on Earth, and freedom and justice for All? Clearly, not enough. When they oppose one another, 5 years from now, will be the real test, and we should definitely be able to see by then whether or not we have lived up to the requisites of this planetary pair’s plan.
Until then, we have much work to do, the most important of which - in my humble opinion - is to iron out our differences, honor what connects us, and learn to respect one another. We must honor our individual lineages while embracing our shared heritage, whether that be through country, culture, language or any other vector that unites us. The Earth is calling for us to become responsible adults and compassionate custodians, seeking and speaking truth, and caring for those in need. We must reject false programs and narratives that pit us against one another on the basis of immutable traits, or lead us to believe the WE are the problem. Nothing could be farther from the truth as we are God’s children. Every living being on this beautiful planet has the right to exist and to live as they see fit. We are a long way from this vision, but to imagine and cultivate it in our hearts is the only way to make it real.
May this full Moon bring each of you reading this opportunities to expand your awareness and find the truth that will enable your life to be in full alignment with your purpose.
Blessings and Love to All,
Sarah Songbird
PS - I recently experienced my own Family Constellation, done by one of my teachers, who recorded it to be shared. It was powerful and life-changing. If you want to have an idea of how Family Constellations works, please check it out here.