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Sarah Songbird

Family Constellations, Crystal Constellations

If you are unfamiliar with these modalities and would like to know more about them, please see my website for more information.

I am thrilled to announce that I am offering online and in-person workshops this Fall. The first in-person workshop is taking place this Friday, September 1st, in Arnaudville, LA. If you are interested in attending, please contact me directly (302) 507-6548 for the address and times. Stay tuned for more in-person workshops in the Lafayette area.

I am also in the process of setting up an online series starting up sometime in September. If you are interested in participating in on of these, please let me know: I will be announcing the full schedule shortly.

A Crystal Constellation, the individual form of Family Constellations, can be set up by contacting me by email;

I look forward to hearing from you soon! Until then, may your path be blessed.


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Sep 01, 2023

Wonderful entry! Thanks dear Sarah! So happy there will be workshops to share and extend your good healing circle! Reaching out soon to schedule another session!

Sarah Songbird
Sep 01, 2023
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Awesome! Looking forward to it! 💖

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