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Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra, March 25th, 2024

This lunar eclipse, the 1st in a series of 2, foreshadows the major solar eclipse happening on April 8th, just 2 weeks from now. Exactly opposite the Moon, as always for a full Moon, is the Sun. Having passed over the threshold of the Spring Equinox just a few days ago, he is now in one of his strongholds, exalted in the fire sign of Aries. That said, the Moon herself is in a Venus-ruled sign, Libra, with Venus currently exalted in Pisces, making her the queen of this lunation. The Venus themes to look for are relationship, connection, community, sexuality, values, nurturing, sisterhood and the sacred Feminine.

A full Moon in Libra will always encourage us to look at issues around justice, fairness, equality and balance between opposites. As a lunar eclipse, this full Moon is giving us a glimpse behind the veil of our awareness, particularly as it relates to relationships, values and the balance of power. There is a sense of maturation in how we relate, coming to realize, for example, how we have lacked maturity in the past, now potentially wanting to change that. The relating can be with people, but it can also be with concepts like independence or abundance, or with material things like money or assets. If we hoard, maybe it’s time to let go of things. Or perhaps we can start valuing ourselves more, so that we attract more of what we want.

Chiron will be playing a key role during next month’s eclipse. Not only will he be at the exact degree of the new Moon solar eclipse (Sun and Moon at 19º Aries), but also at the exact minute! This is an extremely rare occurrence, which warrants our attention. Why? Because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is a master teacher and healer of the wounding we carry from this lifetime, and perhaps other lifetimes as well. From his house and sign placement, and aspects with other planets in our charts, and we can surmise the issues that we came to heal during this lifetime. For instance, if he is in your 2nd house in Cancer, you may be dealing with financial issues connected to an inability to take care of yourself, or perhaps due to your responsibilities as a parent or care-taker. Other placements mean other things, and we will all see some sort of healing transformation with this particular event.

Regardless of where Chiron is in your chart, both of these eclipses will affect our ability to heal, as a collective, the sacred Masculine and Feminine energies that have been extremely out of balance for hundreds if not thousands of years. As a result of them being out of balance, the masculine energies have become toxic because the feminine energies have been severely repressed and disrespected. This has created a victim/perpetrator dynamic that we see so often playing out not only in our personal relationships, but also in how the society is being managed. Needless to say, it’s high time for a change! And this eclipse season, we witness the announcement of a momentous shift in how we will be doing things on this planet moving forward.

It may seem like things are getting worse on planet Earth, with wars and poverty escalating, political destabilization more and more prevalent, and people divided against one another instead of working toward peace and stability. These are symptoms of the extreme imbalance as noted above, for which this pair of eclipses, followed by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April, may well be offering us opportunities to heal from. We will talk more about these in detail as we draw nearer to the solar eclipse and the coming together of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20th, in the earthy sign of Taurus.

In the meantime, please check out my website and offerings. For you wonderful readers of my blog post, I am offering a one-time discount of 25 % off any one service, or buy one, get 50% off the second one. This applies to both virtual and in-person sessions. Please email me at to claim your discount.

In service and gratitude,

Sarah Songbird

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