Year of the Wood Snake
As January comes to a close, this new Moon in Aquarius heralds in the Chinese new year of the Wood Snake. Hopefully less fiery and dramatic than the past 12 months, the Wood Snake promises opportunities for development and new ideas, while encouraging us to use introspection and intuition to make wise choices.
Innovation, positive change and the common good
While our physical bodies may feel confined or contracted by cold winter temps (at least in the Northern hemisphere), our energy bodies tend to soar upwards and outward to explore the possibilities that lie untapped in the noosphere, or sphere of human consciousness. But Aquarius is not unlimited Pisces, and the Aquarian mindset will always be drawn back to Earth by its Saturnian concern for the well-being and betterment of our species and our home, planet Earth.
Being ruled by Saturn, Aquarius has inherent limits and boundaries. These boundaries are formed by the celestial kingdom of the Zodiac and its planetary rulers, the archetypes from which humanity draws its psychological substance and sustenance, a mirror reflection of the myriad expressions of our earthly human existence.
Sun and Moon aligning as a new Moon here are opening a gateway, an invitation to explore uncharted territory with the clear intention of bringing any and all knowledge obtained back to the Earth plane in order to use it for the highest and greatest good for All. Pluto and Mercury have joined them in the first degrees of Aquarius, deepening the search for information related to transformation of the status quo. This new knowledge and those who bring it will often be misunderstood or judged, because it doesn’t necessarily fit the established narrative.
That said, a relentless search for more and more knowledge without putting it to good use can create a state of high-alert adrenal stimulation which ends up inducing anxiety and depleting our reserves. This can potentially become an addiction, better known as “doom scrolling”, thanks to social media and the complex web of information that has become so easily accessible through the internet. Far from denying the usefulness and amazing opportunities that the internet has given us, I am simply pointing out a fact. “Information, when not transformed into skill or action, becomes a poison - a burden rather than a gift.” Vladi Forest, from Ringing Cedars of Russia Telegram group.
All in all, this new Moon is a very good augure for what is to come ahead, with a beautiful stellium of Saturn, Venus, Neptune and the North Node all aligned in Pisces, reminding us of the importance of connecting daily with our higher guidance. Jupiter in a trine aspect to this new Moon supports this, and asks us to expand our search for innovative breakthroughs and unconventional solutions to problems we've been dealing with for a very long time. Mars squaring Chiron will offer us opportunities to put these discoveries to the test, which is not always pleasant, but unfortunately necessary if we are to truly learn from our mistakes. And hopefully we will someday be able to go beyond the pain paradigm and step directly into the embodiment of acquired knowledge, without always having to experience the pain of learning.
Crystals that can help you feel more aligned this month:
Black Tourmaline. This mineral will help transform negative energy, offsetting the effects of doomscrolling or excessive screen time. That said, walking in Nature, spending time outside or meditating are essential to balance out the negativity experienced in our modern lifestyle. Tourmaline grounds our energy field and helps us to feel connected to the Earth while transforming that which no longer serves.

Amethyst. This is the healing and cleansing crystal par excellence. There is an interesting connection to Lavender essential oil, which has very similar properties. Like Amethyst, Lavender flowers are purple. Both are extremely useful for many things, including clearing negativity, uplifting the spirit and promoting healing of the physical, emotional and mental planes. Both have a very wide energetic spectrum, which might explain their many uses. Amethyst is my favorite crystal to use for clearing, which I pass over my energy field, much like one smudges the field with a bundle of burning Sage. Interestingly, Sage and Lavendar are in the same plant family, the Labiaceae, or Mint family.

Big Picture and Trends
Mars, in his ongoing retrograde through Cancer, is about to enter into a square aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. What tendencies or programs might be coming to surface for us to view and release? Passive/aggressive behavior? Procrastination? Manic episodes followed by depression? Anything having to do with moving forward, stamina, motivation or defense, when unbalanced in your field, may be brought up for review.
As you notice these programs or tendencies appearing, take a moment to acknowledge them, and ask yourself this question: is this behavior serving me well? If the answer to this question is no, it may be time to consciously release it with the aid of a ritual, or simply by a conscious decision to do so. Carry around some black tourmaline to transform negative energies into positivity, and use Amethyst to clear your energy field daily.
What's more?
Working with crystals has been my life's journey and calling, but it would not have been complete had I not discovered Family Constellations and Astrology. These three modalities together have become a complementary trio that allows me to offer a very unique approach to energy imbalance manifesting as physical ailments, emotional, and mental issues.
Schedule your complimentary wellness discovery call with me a receive 20% off your first session! We will discuss your situation and I will offer you a plan that addresses your unique and specific needs. Payment plans available.
Wishing you all a fruitful and abundant Chinese New Year! May the earthy Wood Snake help you to shed illusions and unhealthy habits, tap into your wisdom and become the best possible version of yourself this year.
In Gratitude,
Sarah Songbird