As the Sun, Venus and Mercury have been moving through watery Cancer since the summer solstice, we have had opportunities to drop into our bodies and access emotions that may have needed to surface. Particularly with Venus just moving out of a trine (120º) with Saturn and squaring Chiron, in addition to Mercury trining Neptune and opposing Pluto earlier this week, this may have brought up deep and potentially old wounds for healing, issues that may not have been evident or visible up until now. The Moon in her home sign is giving us the impetus to offer ourselves new beginnings, perhaps as a sweet ritual or an act of self-care. This may be very important in light of what is coming up in 10 days, on July 15th:
Leading up to the full Moon in Capricorn (number 2!), Mars will be meeting Uranus in Taurus, for a potentially earth-shattering moment where the unexpected (Uranus) meets the explosive (Mars). We will go more into what this may mean in your chart, in this month’s horoscopes. Generally speaking, this is a wake-up, shake-up event that could have unfortunate consequences, especially in light of the fact that these two will be exactly aligned with Algol, known as “the demon star”, considered by ancient astrologers as “the most unfortunate, violent and dangerous star in the heavens.” Neither Uranus nor Mars can be deemed particularly peaceful, so a meeting such as this one should definitely be taken seriously, especially if you have any planets within one or two degrees of 26º in the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.
How might one prepare for this type of event? Technically, there’s not a whole lot you can do on a 3-D, physical level, especially with no knowledge of where or how something like this might play out. That said, being aware of this possibility, you can prepare yourself mentally and emotionally, for an event that might require you to be of assistance to someone else, or to act quickly to put yourself and others out of danger. Hopefully none of this will be necessary, and we will go on living our lives without having to deal with any adverse events, but I feel it’s better to be forewarned than taken completely by surprise. Meditation and prayer on peace and harmony can do wonders to counteract the negative effects of this particular conjunction.
On a more positive note, Saturn and Mars are in a harmonious sextile (60º) aspect, giving us time to pause before jumping into things on a whim, and lending more weight to our actions. There can be a melancholy to this aspect as well, particularly considering the whole house trine between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Sun, Moon and Venus in Cancer. Reminiscing about the past while being unsure about the future, is something that some of us may be indulging in, especially considering the instability in the world at this time. Utilize this new Moon in Cancer to drop into your heart, feel what is there to be felt, and behold the infinite resources, such as forgiveness, nurturing, love and joy, that reside there and are available for you tap into.
These are for rising sign (most precise) or Sun sign.
Count your blessings, Aries, for you have a very special opportunity to share this time with your family. Letting them know how much you love them will not only help heal wounds, but also make you feel good! Later this month may be more difficult, particularly as it relates to finances, so take the goodness where you can get it!
Taurus natives are looking at a major upset or challenge in how you experience yourself, whether it be through body image, health, or just a feeling of who you are. It could also be a breakthrough in that area, leading to a new image of who you see yourself to be. Most challenges ultimately lead to breakthroughs, and you are likely to be helped along the way in your immediate environment, such as from friends, family or your community.
Your sense of self has been rather expansive since Jupiter came into your first house just over a month ago - however, your challenge or breakthrough this month, may come as a complete surprise, something you were unaware of. Now would be a good time to check with your guides to see if you can receive any insight as to what this may be.
Since the new Moon is happening in your first house, Cancerians will find it very natural to create new opportunities for growth and renewal. The upcoming challenges may be related to your peers, coworkers, or those with whom you have created alliances. You may be seeing a shake-up in the groups you were dealing with up until now, perhaps leading to a change in the people you prefer to engage with moving forward.
Leo’s are looking at the potential for an important change in the area of career, or what you bring to your community. It may be a sudden realization on your part that change needs to happen, or something out of your control takes place, making it impossible for you to continue on the same trajectory. Either way, know that your guides have your back, and a nice conversation with them could be very healing and insightful!
Later this month, you may experience a “come to Jesus” moment, or maybe you simply decide that what has worked for you spiritually up until now, just doesn’t any longer. Or perhaps you learn something about an organization you are involved in that is disconcerting, or maybe none of the above! Regardless, your friends and allies will be there for you to help you however they can.
The upcoming Uranus-Mars dynamic falls into your 8th house, meaning that you may be dealing with death, of someone you are karmically connected to, or figuratively of a concept, an ideal, or an idea holding you captive. This house also represents debt, that which you owe others or which is owed to you. The new Moon may bring about renewal in a way that affects your public persona positively.
Scorpio’s are looking at some powerful relationship dynamics which may or may not culminate in a complete change. As your family dynamics are also in flux, thanks to Pluto initiating his passage through your house of family, it would be wise to make time for heart-to-heart conversations with your loved ones, be they partner or family. And don’t forget about your guides! They certainly have wisdom to share, that will help with whatever you’re going through.
Sagittarians will be coming out of a long period of hard work that may finally see a breakthrough happening soon. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you know it’s going to take one last push to get there. Another possibility is that you experience a cataclysmic event that points you in a totally different direction than where you were headed. Look for the blessings in disguise!
You may be in for a pleasant surprise, as the Mars-Uranus dynamic is challenging you to do more fun things, and not be so serious all the time! Whether it’s having a child, being around children or being more child-like, you will benefit from spending time with those whose hearts are innocent and whose spirits are free.
You’ve already had a taste of what Pluto has in store for you - a major overhaul of your sense of who you are. Now, you get to experience some upheaval in your family system, which is not necessarily a bad thing! Anyone who has done their own Family Constellation knows this. Once again, keep the lines of communication open, and things will work out how they need to.
Having gone through the last 12 or 13 years with Neptune deepening and fine-tuning your sense of self, and now Saturn polishing up the work over the past 2 plus years, nothing more could phase you. Or could it? Mars and Uranus are getting together in your 3rd house to shake up your environment - that is, your community, your neighborhood, your culture. This might actually be an excellent change for you! All in good time.
Thank you for reading! If you live in or near Lafayette, LA, check out my in-person Family Constellation event at Lafayette Salt Cave, July 16th, 6-8 PM. These will be happening monthly, moving forward.
And remember to take advantage of my buy-1-get-1-free Crystal Constellations, good until the Moon enters Leo, July 22nd!
In Gratitude,
Sarah Songbird