This new Moon in Leo is opening up the 8.8.8 Lionsgate portal of manifestation! Meaning that the intentions you set for this new Moon have a very strong potential for realization and manifestation in 3-D reality. The number 8 in numerology (a symbol system similar to astrology) represents success, power and manifestation, including material abundance. The Lionsgate portal is already known as a yearly event, occuring each year on August 8th. This year, the eighth day of the eighth month is in an “8” year (2+0+2+4 = 8), which is particularly potent because of this numerological configuration. In other words, whatever you devote your mental and emotional energy to at this time, roughly from August 4th to August 12th, has an excellent chance of becoming manifest.
Don’t be too impatient to see the results of your intentions, however, because Mercury goes retrograde on August 6th, meaning that outward manifestations may have to wait until after he goes direct, on the 29th. I believe this will actually reinforce the effects of your work, because Mercury, representing the mind and mental actions, is focusing his attention within, thereby increasing our ability to focus inwardly as well. So while the manifestations you desire may not come about until much later, your work at this time, both for the new Moon - which is always a time to set intentions - and for the Lionsgate, will ultimately result in the change you desire, according to the focus and attention you are able to devote to your practice. Here’s a handy dandy tip to remember: use gratitude as a powerful tool to stay optimistic and go with the universal flow into your highest and greatest good!
As Mercury begins his journey back into Leo from his home sign of Virgo, Venus is about to enter Virgo, one of her signs of detriment. This will mean that both benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, will be in signs that do not fully support their energies. This happens just days after a contentious square (90º) between Venus and Uranus, and less than 2 weeks before a potentially difficult T-square (3 planets forming a triangle with 2 squares and an opposition) in mutable signs, between Venus and Jupiter (both in detriment) and Saturn.
What does this mean? To be very honest, troubled times ahead. This can go from mild irritation to downright disaster, and anything in between. Two of the mutable signs are ruled by Mercury who, currently retrograde, is not his usual talkative, outgoing self. The two planets in these signs, Venus and Jupiter, are in detriment, meaning that they are not particularly at ease. The other planet of this equation, Saturn, one of the malefics, is opposing Venus who, already not feeling great, now has to deal with limitations and other challenges. Fortunately, Saturn is hosted by Jupiter, who rules Pisces, and this may soften the blow just a bit. This all will be happening very close to the coming full Moon in Aquarius, which we will address in about two weeks. But for now, let’s just focus on this new Moon in Leo.
Venus, representing the Sacred Feminine, has completed her mission of exposing the darkness that has been prevalent in the governance of the planet, particularly as it relates to the oppression of this principle. We now have blatant examples of this, with the recent fights between biological males and females during the Olympic Games, where the women had no chance to win against their opponents, who clearly had the physical advantage that males have over females. Unfortunately, what was once considered a noble arena for competition based on merit and effort has now become a pitiful pageant of satanic ritual based on the inversion of these values, focusing more on DEI than on actual merit. Not every competition in the Olympics is tainted with this poison, thank goodness, but the opening ceremony alone gave us a serious indication of the underlying forces that are claiming to celebrate humanity, and clearly are not.
Mercury retrograde will give us the opportunity to reflect on this and other bizarre recent events before the T-square two weeks from now. Not much is making any sense, from the assassination attempt on a former president and presidential candidate, to the stepping down of his opponent, deemed “sharp as a tack” just weeks ago, and now booted off the ticket because of his mental and physical state (although he is supposedly still running the country???). Let’s not forget the Crowdstrike debacle and the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East, not to mention the money laundering that the elites are carrying out by funding the war in Ukraine. It all seems like a sh*t show that no one in their right mind would even dream of pulling off. And yet, here we are - it’s all happening… or is it? This is a question for us to ponder, as ultimately, our perceptions are what form our world. The only way I have any idea of what’s going on “out there” is through the little magic screen that I consult daily. What I do with that information is ultimately my choice. I can allow it to affect my state of being (which can create feelings of despair or hopelessness) or I can choose to simply be aware of the information, knowing that much of it isn’t even true and that ultimately I must determine for myself what I feel is valuable or relevant to know. I can also engage in prayer and/or energy work, sending my psychic energy to help heal the planet, in whatever small way I can.
~ Horoscopes ~
These are based on your rising sign or ascendant, using whole sign houses. Although your Sun sign is also valid, you will get a more precise picture using your ascendant. If you don’t already know yours, you can find out for free using an astrology website. You will need your birth date, time and place.
This new Moon has a lot of potential for you to create more time for yourself to play and enjoy your life. Things have been pretty intense for you these past few months, especially as it relates to your sense of self, your self-image or your purpose in life. Remember to take time out to be with your children, your grandkids, or just go out and have some fun!
Things have been happening in the background, that you may be unaware of, to heal old wounds and family trauma. Now is the time to set intentions to heal those wounds, once and for all, or at least to come to a place of forgiveness and acceptance. Hanging on to grudges is the last thing you want to do for yourself right now, especially relating to family. So be sure to set positive intentions for this new Moon.
Issues with peers, friends or maybe co-workers, have not been easy lately. This is a good time to set intentions for finding your community, perhaps a new group of friends, or maybe even to make a move with the idea of creating or fitting into a new spiritual group. Set your intentions and the rest will follow.
It looks like you’ve been having some challenges in your professional life. Maybe you’re ready for a change, but just haven’t gotten up the courage to act upon your wishes. Now is not the time to make any changes, however it is definitely a good time to set intentions for those changes to take place. Intentions set for financial abundance will be especially potent for you at this time.
Leo’s, you are SO feeling this Lionsgate portal! Take advantage of its potential to create something new for yourself, whether that is a new body image, better physical or mental health, or even just a new wardrobe! Utilize tools such as vision boards and journaling to help make your dreams come true!
For Virgo’s, this new Moon in Leo and Lionsgate portal are potentially going to challenge your sense of reality, which for you, is very important. Repetitive thoughts and mind games may plague you during this time. Although you are accustomed to using your intellect for apprehending your reality, you might consider dropping more into your heart space, using your intuition to come to a knowing that is far more comprehensive than what the mind can provide. Setting intentions for this will help you, especially when it comes to releasing karmic ties and debt.
You may have recently experienced some heart-break, or maybe the resolution of relationship issues in your life. It may be time to set intentions for finding friends and allies that will help you navigate any challenges that may be resulting from these issues. Chances are, opportunities will come out of left field - expect the unexpected!
You’ve been working so hard, Scorpio! You are looking at breakthroughs in your professional life, so be sure to set those intentions to create the ideal situation for yourself! Learn to work smart, and not so hard, so that these breakthroughs can benefit you the most.
This new Moon may be the perfect opportunity for you to review your belief systems and determine which one or ones best suit your core values. It has been challenging for you to find creative ways to deal with everyday life, and you sometimes envy those who seem to do that quite easily, by taking exciting vacations or going on regular outings. Perhaps as you deepen your faith in whatever brings you joy and comfort, the monotony will fall away and you will remember your passion.
For you Capricorn’s, this new Moon is offering you an opportunity to resolve karmic debt, most often related to your family system. Whether it’s childhood wounding or more recent family trauma, the time has come to work through these issues and find a clear path towards wholeness. You’re almost there, Cappy!
Pluto’s agenda to overhaul your sense of Self is offering you a chance to call in the relationships that are more in alignment with your newly found You. It hasn’t been easy to feel accepted in your immediate environment, but you will eventually find the right people to be in relationship with, which will help with feeling more at ease in your community. Just remember to set those intentions, which have a powerful chance to become manifest at this time.
The reality is that you are being faced with some choices to be made, especially relating to how you make a living for yourself. Some of the most spectacular results begin with adopting a simple discipline that is practiced over and over again, setting the stage for positive change to take place. By setting intentions to practice some form of self-discipline, be it meditation, or any mind-body practice such as yoga or tai-chi, you will greatly enhance your ability to support your material health and well-being.
Thank you for reading about this new Moon in Leo! I invite you to go to my website to check out my offerings to help you navigate through these interesting and turbulent times. For those of you living in or near Lafayette, LA, I will be offering an in-person Family Constellation event on August 12th. Also, check out this amazing manifestation retreat for women, the Infinite Visions Retreat.
As always, in Gratitude,
Sarah Songbird