Would you like to reset your philosophical and spiritual Operating System? This fiery new Moon in Sagittarius is the perfect time to do so, now that Pluto is fully stationed in Aquarius; Mercury and Jupiter are opposing one another in each other’s signs; and the Sun and Moon have come together in the sign of the higher mind, lofty Sagittarius.
Pluto is at 0º Aquarius, the exact degree where Jupiter and Saturn conjoined on December 21st, 2020. You might remember that it was a pretty big deal, as the conjunction created a beautiful and impressive evening star for a few days. It was also important because it was the first in a series of conjunctions between these two planets (Jupiter and Saturn get together once every 20 years) that will be taking place in air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) over the next 200 years. And as Jupiter and Saturn tend to indicate the kinds of subjects that we, as a society, are focused on, the next couple of centuries will see our energies dedicated to things like communication, technology, space travel, and potentially the re-writing of laws, contracts and agreements to take into account the changes that we, as a society, will undergo.
For the sake of clarity, here’s what happens: Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years in signs of the same element for about 200 years, then move on to the next element, with a crossover point of 40 years. For example, they began conjoining in Earth signs starting with Virgo in 1802, then back into Fire (Aries) in 1821. They then met for the next 200 years in Earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) until 2000, with the exception of 1980, when the 2 conjoined in the air sign of Libra.
For the past 200 years, much of our mental and social energy has been spent on earth-based endeavors like genocide, taking over ill-gotten land and building empires, at least here in the US. And before that for 200 years, we Europeans were busy in Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) spreading like wildfire to the far reaches of the planet, colonizing and revolutioning our way to power and control. At least, that’s what the history books say.
Although perhaps reprehensible, the actions of our ancestors were simply what they knew and what they felt was needed for their survival and that of their descendants. At least for most of them, minus a few psychopaths and sociopaths, who were probably leading the charge. Would we be in a better place had these heinous acts not taken place? Perhaps… but the fact that they happened gives us pause to reflect upon the nature of Humanity in the 3-D world where we live.
What if these “laws”: do or die, rule or be ruled, take or be taken, survival of the fittest, etc., were simply an expression of life at a certain level of frequency, and that by shifting into a different frequency (i.e. level of energy vibration that absolutely every being and thing in this universe possesses) we were able to defy those “laws” and take on new guides for a peaceful, loving and co-creative experience? I believe that is what Christ Consciousness is all about. The man known as Jesus Christ may have been 2000 years ahead of his time, but/and perhaps it has taken us this long to get to the point of hurting so much that we are finally ready to move out of our reptilian mind-set and finally and fully step into the Age of Aquarius, the era of Brotherly Love, that was shown to us such a long time ago.
Jupiter is in Mercury’s sign Gemini, while Mercury is in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius - signs that are in opposition to one another. This is known as the axis of knowledge, Gemini representing the analytical mind while Sagittarius is about synthesis and understanding the larger framework of life. With these two in each other’s signs, they are both in their “fall”, and also in mutual reception, or resonant harmony with one another. Fallen planets possess a degree of humility that they don’t have in neutral signs or when they are in their home signs. Both planets, especially Jupiter, can be very righteous in their home signs, so this is a refreshing change to have them interacting not only with humility but also with mutual respect.
After conjoining Jupiter a few days ago, Mercury just turned retrograde and will touch base with him on December 4th, and once again, this time in direct motion, on the 30th. When planets go through such a dance, this tells us to pay attention. Depending on where this is happening in your chart (i.e. which house, determined by your time of birth), you will experience it accordingly. For instance, those with Sagittarius rising will feel a major shift in thinking that affects their identity, both physical and emotional, coupled with a change in relationship status, whether that means entering a new relationship, exiting an existing one, or modifying one’s perspective on the subject regardless of where one is at as it relates to relationships. More on this below, in today's Horoscopes.
Venus is approaching a trine (120º) aspect with Uranus in Earth signs, letting us know that she is ready for a change, excited to be looking at life differently, and perhaps perceiving relationships with a new and fresh perspective. This has very practical and 3-D implications, being in Earth signs, and can also pertain to value, as in financial value, social value, the importance of family, etc.
Generally speaking, this new Moon in Sagittarius has the potential to open our minds to alternative ways of thinking and being, especially with the help of Mercury and Jupiter, and also Venus and Uranus. This is definitely a good thing, especially now that Pluto is in Aquarius for the next 20 years, and we have officially entered the Age of Aquarius. This feels very appropriate for this time of year, when we celebrate the birth of the King of Peace himself.
May you all be blessed with the magic that is present this time of year. In Gratitude,
Sarah Songbird
Aries: You are definitely being affected by a pull towards spirituality of some sort, perhaps as it relates to your immediate community - perhaps you've found a new church, or friends who have introduced you to a new perspective on the subject of spirituality. Heed your fiery nature and go for it!
Taurus: This new Moon may be suggesting that you re-evaluate your situation as it relates to debt, both financial and spiritual. Do you owe money, or favors, or energy of any kind? Or is it owed to you? Definitely worth looking into.
Gemini: You Geminis may be experiencing an increase in your ability to be in two places at once. You wear many hats, and this new Moon encourages you to align to the one that resonates the most with your deepest personal truth, which may or may not align with that of your partner. Conversations may need to happen in order to find common ground in relationships.
Cancer: Expect the unexpected, especially in relationships. Even moreso if you have Venus in Capricorn. This is a good time for you, and although you will need to put in the work and remember to do your daily practice, you will see the benefits of this over time.
Leo: This is a good time for you Leo's to reflect upon what brings you joy. You may be overdue for a vacation, and travel could be beneficial to you at this time. Look to expand your pool of friends by engaging in groups where communication is a key element. Isolation will not serve you well - it's time to branch out and relate, and create some meaningful relationships.
Virgo: It's possible that Virgo's are coming to realize certain things about your family dynamics that were unclear or hidden up until now. Finding balance between work and home life is essential at this time, and hiding behind a busy work schedule is not going to cut it for much longer. Clear communication is the way to avoid the pitfalls of assumptions and expectations.
Libra: You are beginning to get a glimpse of the innate spiritual nature of your immediate environment, including the people you see on a daily basis, your siblings, your community groups, etc. This may bring about changes or opportunities as it relates to your career or to what it is that you are bringing to the world at this time. By using gratitude, prayer and other positive practices, you can heal the wounds that may have caused rifts in your community.
Scorpio: This could be a good time to put forth intentions about increasing your wealth, or beginning the process of getting out of debt. You may owe money or are owed it, so be sure to cross your t's and dot your i's as it relates to your financial well-being. Inheriting money or winning the lottery are not excluded!
Sagittarius: In your 1st house, this new Moon has the potential to initiate potent changes in how you see yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. A spiritual practice, if you don't already have one, will be key to becoming aware of these changes. With Jupiter in your 7th house of relationships, changes at that level could also be on the horizon.
Capricorn: For you Capricorn's, this lunation may not be felt immediately because it is hidden from your conscious awareness. The work that you put into your practice will determine how well you are able to process through wounding and trauma that could be coming up. The good news is that unexpected gifts, possibly in the form of relationships, even a new way of showing up for yourself, are soon to appear in your field.
Aquarius: You have already begun to experience the powerful presence of Pluto in your 1st house of Self and beingness. It will be a long journey, but you were meant for this time of total transformation of who you are! This new Moon may present opportunities for meeting people with similar values. It encourages you to take time for yourself, and be with the person - you - who is about to undergo some serious changes.
Pisces: This new Moon is asking you to reflect upon your career path and where it has taken you thus far. There may be a balance to find between work and home life, as family seems to have taken on more importance than before, in the past 6 months or so. Unexpected encounters in your community may lead to important alliances that will serve you well.