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New Moon in Virgo, September 2nd/3rd, 2024

Have you noticed? Things happen in waves. We just went through a wave of moderate to strong intensity, depending on your chart placements, and now we are in a lull, waiting for the next one to come along. The last full Moon in Aquarius, on August 19th, brought about some powerful shifts, both personally and in the collective. This new Moon is an opportunity for integration of the lessons and healing the hurt that may have resulted from those shifts. Not all shifts are difficult or bad, by the way. Shortly after that full Moon, we received an incredible gift from the Universe - our young cat, Zephyr, who had been lost for 11 months, showed up at our doorstep! It took him - and us - a few minutes to realize that he was home, but what a beautiful blessing that was!

This new Moon in Virgo is bringing a level of healing and new beginnings that we haven’t seen in a while, at least not since the new Moon in Cancer in early July. Virgo is, par excellence, the sign of healing and resolution. Ruled by Mercury, it is analytical and wants to account for all of the missing pieces and bring them back into a harmonious whole. Virgo cares about detail and will go to great lengths to dot every “i” and cross every “t”. Discreet, sometimes to a fault, it is the sign of service and sacrifice to the greater good.

Beholden to Mercury because of her placement in Virgo, this new Moon gives us an opportunity to analyze and dissect what has and hasn’t been working for us. To better understand what is being offered here, let’s take a closer look at Mercury. Having turned direct last week, after his retrograde through Leo, he is now moving forward and just completed a trine (120º) aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Because of Chiron’s reputation as a healer and a martyr, some astrologers give him secondary rulership of Virgo, the primary one being attributed to Mercury, of course. With Mercury and Chiron in fire signs, we can infer that the healing taking place may be related to a battle of egos, now resolving to find common ground to heal - especially verbally - what was shaken up by the last full Moon.

Chiron, along with the Sun and Moon, are also reflecting the idea of Mastery, by virtue of the degrees they are occupying: Sun and Moon at 11º, representing the Master Intuitive; and Chiron at 22º, the Master Builder. Connected by Mercury, this foreshadows a harmonious resolution through means of communication and letting go of ego-driven stances that do not reflect the highest good of all concerned.

Mercury will soon make his 3rd and final square to Uranus in this retrograde cycle, allowing for the completion of whatever was initiated back on the second full Moon in Capricorn, which took place on July 21st, when Mercury and Uranus were first squaring off. These two are sometimes considered to be of the same frequency, just different octaves. Mercury could be considered the lower octave, equivalent to sound, and Uranus the higher octave, akin to light. Both are concerned with the transmission of information.

Like so many of the lunations we have experienced over the past few months, July’s full Moon in Capricorn was particularly potent, with a good many aspects that were exact, close to the time of the full Moon. That first square between Mercury and Uranus began a movement to shake up preconceived ideas, beliefs, misconceptions, etc. and expose untruths and downright lies in the realms of power and authority. It also forced us to look at where we were lacking in creative expression, confidence and/or speaking our truth. This crescendoed and climaxed, coinciding exactly with the last full Moon in Aquarius, August 19th, when the results of this initial shake-up became undeniable, in some cases altering reality to a point of no return.

Now, the two planets are poised to enact the final square this Saturday, September 7th, followed immediately on the 8th by a Yod (Finger of God) aspect between Mercury, Neptune and Pluto. A Yod is a triangle formed by 3 planets, one of which is 150º from the others, which are 60º from each other. Normally I don’t take into account the 150º or 30º aspects, except when they form a Yod, especially when it involves a planet that is having such a powerful focus. Neptune and Pluto, both in anoretic degrees (29º) of feminine signs, speak to transformation of communication (Mercury, the focus planet) based on the feminine principles of active listening, compassion and non-violent communication. What an incredibly powerful way to culminate this healing process!

As if that one weren’t enough, we have another square taking place between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. This could be thought of as a “crusader” aspect, with Mars carrying the final message of hope and inspiration on his banner as he prepares to shed his armor and plunge into the tidal waters of Cancer, where he will be navigating in his detriment for roughly six months. Normally he would spend about 6 weeks in a sign, but because of his coming retrograde, he will be in Cancer, all in all, for approximately 6 months. He will enter the sign on Thursday, September 5th. In his fall, he is not particularly at ease in Cancer. However, with the kind of sending-off that Neptune is offering him, we might expect that he will be able to make the most of an inherently difficult situation. He will be coming up for air (or maybe fire!) in Leo for 2 months, in November and December, when all things Mars (will power, initiative, defense and offense, positive action…) will be implicitly easier.

In this new Moon chart, Mars is like the little hummingbird in the native American tale, who flew back and forth, carrying water to put out the fire that was destroying his forest. When asked why he was doing something so hopeless instead of fleeing with the rest of the animals, he answered “I’m just doing my part to save my homeland.” When the spirits of the clouds heard his response, they were so moved by his earnest and selfless actions that they gathered together into heavy storm clouds and unleashed enough rain to quench every last flame. This is the spirit of this Mars, anointed by Neptune just prior to his fall into Cancer this Thursday, September 5th.

The last thing I will mention before presenting the Horoscopes is that Venus will align with the South Node of the Moon this Tuesday, September 3rd. In her own sign of Libra, she is encouraging us to look at relationships from the perspective of lessons learned in the past, and perhaps even from past lives. Have we been focused so much on the other person that we’ve forgotten about our own desires and needs? Or perhaps we have completely relinquished our responsibility in the relationship, relying on our partner to take up the slack or to make all the decisions. Venus is calling upon our clarity and discernment to be completely transparent about our role in the relationship. She invites us to shed our righteousness, just as Mars will shed his armor and plunge into the nurturing waters of Cancer. May this new Moon in Virgo be a time of discernment, clarity and healing for us all.

FYI - a new course called Up-leveling Your Energy Field begins September 30th. A combination of 8 group calls and 4 individual sessions, this program is a one-of-a-kind journey to transform your entire being and achieve the excellence you've been dreaming of. Find out more...


These are based on your rising sign or ascendant, using whole sign houses. Although your Sun sign is also valid, you will get a more precise picture using your ascendant. If you don’t already know your rising sign, you can find out for free using an astrology website. You will need your birth date, time and place.


This new Moon is taking place in your 6th house of health and healing, encouraging you to adopt routines that will help you stay the course on your journey to wellness. Whether it’s letting go of detrimental habits, or taking up or deepening a health-giving practice, your overall health should be your focus at this time, especially with Chiron and the North Node in your 1st house of physical health and identity.


Although you may be experiencing some financial ups and downs, breakthroughs and/or crashes, now is the time to indulge in some R&R, and let those concerns go for now. Set aside some time to take up that thing you’ve been wanting to do, whether a new sport, reading a book or spending more time with your kids or grandkids. If not now, when?


Things have been ramping up for you, ever since Jupiter moved into Gemini in May. This new Moon is a great opportunity for you to reconnect with your family, perhaps offering an opening to heal wounds, or simply sending prayers for their highest and greatest good. Every little bit counts.


With Pluto dipping back into your 7th house of relationships for the coming two-and-a-half months, you will be called to wrap up the work you’ve been doing in that area of your life for the past 16 years. This new Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for healing relationships in your immediate environment, whether that be with family, friends or your community.


How is your financial health? Use your intuitive guidance along with your rational mind to make important financial decisions. Denying one in favor of the other is not your best strategy, and it could leave you in a place you’d rather not be. Even with Mercury now direct, it is wise to take your time to make important decisions or moves, in any area of your life.


This is YOUR new Moon, Virgo! Take advantage of these powerful healing energies to jumpstart your daily routine, or take it to the next level. Use your superpowers of scrutiny and discernment to determine exactly what does and doesn’t work for you, and tailor your routine to suit your needs.


Although you may be consciously feeling the weight of the past, especially as it relates to relationships, a powerful window is opening for you to choose to remember who you are, and to love yourself through discernment and discipline. Consciously adopting a daily health routine, whether it be healthy eating, daily exercise or regular meditation, will be essential for you to find your balance once again.


There has been a need to revise and review much of your professional communication, and you are beginning to see the fruits of your efforts. This is an excellent time to reach out to those you consider allies and/or mentors, or to set the intention to call them in. Relationships have been challenging for you, especially since July, potentially as a result of this career revision taking place. Take heart - this too, shall pass!


Focus, focus, focus. Not always easy for Sagittarians, especially those with a strong Jupiterian signature. If you are serious about making something happen, set your intentions to reflect that: be specific - speak or write out everything you want to manifest. Then let go, and let God! Pluto is coming back into your financial house for a couple of months - use this time to check and double-check, and make sure your house is in order!


Yep, Pluto is dipping back into your 1st house for a few months, just to make sure the overhaul of your entire sense of self is complete! This includes your body image, your physical health, and the image you project outside of yourself. Focusing on your connection to Spirit will be very helpful to promote emotional stability and feelings of belonging to a greater whole, regardless of your beliefs or religious leanings.


Relationships, especially those deep, karmic ties with family and friends, have been hitting some rocky territory. Some things have changed, for good. Others have been modified, revised… to reflect a more healthy dynamic between you and the other person. Here is an excellent opportunity to work specifically with your ancestors to clean up karmic and ancestral trauma. Crystal Constellations is an excellent modality for this work.


Whatever your relationship status may be, this new Moon is offering you a golden opportunity to 1) find a partner, 2) deepen your relationship with an existing partner, or 3) step through the doorway of duality into the all-encompassing realm of self-love. Set your intentions accordingly, and don’t forget to be specific so that the Universe can respond in kind!

Thank you for reading Moon Musings - until the next full Moon,

All the best ~

Sarah Songbird

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