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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2nd, 2024

Sarah Songbird

I would like to begin by extending my deep condolences and prayers for all those who have lost family, friends, pets and loved ones during hurricane Helene, which left unfathomable death and destruction behind her, particularly in the Southern Appalachians. My heart goes out to you all, and also my prayers for a rapid recovery of the entire region. This happening between the 2 eclipses is most certainly significant. The extremity of this event cannot be understated, with entire towns having been wiped off the face of the planet, others completely isolated from the rest of the world, and 600 people still not accounted for, almost a week later. I ask, where is the outrage and rapid response on the part of those who should have the backs of all Americans going through such a terrible catastrophe? Instead, we hear "we've given them all we have", while billions of dollars continue to go unabated to fuel foreign wars and kill more people. In general, I avoid politics in this blog, however, with the recents events, I cannot stay mum on this issue. Please forgive me, and God bless us all.

Have you ever wondered why we call Autumn or the Harvest season, “Fall”? Some believe it has to do with the time of year when the leaves fall from deciduous trees. There is another reason: just as the Sun moves into Libra, defining the Autumn Equinox, daytime lessens while nighttime increases - at least in the Northern Hemisphere - and the Sun appears to “fall” closer to the southern horizon on its daily journey across the sky. And, of course, it will reach its lowest point at the Winter Solstice. In reality, the Sun has been “falling” since the Summer Solstice, but we notice it more after the equinox, when the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

Libra begins on one of the 4 Cardinal points of the Zodiac, each of which is marked by a solstice or an equinox. The signs beginning on these points are known as the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Each of these marks the beginning of a new season and a tangible change in the energies around us. Libra marks the turning point where the solar energies have become weaker than the nighttime or lunar energies, prompting us to go inward and be more reflective, much like the Moon.

Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac that is not represented by a human, an animal, or a combination thereof. The scales depicted in this sign speak to balance, fairness and justice, harkening back to Ancient Egypt where the goddess Maat was said to be the gatekeeper to the afterworld. Holding a pair of scales, a feather in one dish and the heart of the querent in the other, she decided the fate of the individual, based on whether or not the heart tipped the balance.

Libra is also the sign of order (Saturn is exalted here), harmony and beauty (ruled by Venus). Natives of this sign often choose a career path as interior decorators, artists or mediators of some sort. They are said to go back and forth between several vantage points of a situation, clearly seeing the value in each, and sometimes second-guessing their judgment and not able to make a choice: the Libran conundrum. But this is also the gift: to be able to help people on one side of an issue see the perspective of the other side, which makes Librans wonderful ambassadors and negotiators.

Impartiality is the shield and Truth is the sword wielded by the Libran warrior, whose unending search for balance and beauty leads him inevitably to slay the ugly vices of the ego/mind that would have him forgo his efforts and settle for less than his true worth. This iteration of Venus shows up as Athena or Matt, from whom no lie can be concealed.

All this to say that a new Moon eclipse in Libra has special significance in terms of negotiating conflict and offering a pathway to truce, by revealing the truth of the situation, including all of the complex facets. It would appear that we are about to learn some potentially uncomfortable truths, whether in our personal lives or on the world stage, as this new Moon is in a whole-sign opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Truth is always the predecessor and even the requisite for healing, since lies will always fester under cover, and eventually come to the surface with all of their yucky puss and inflammation. Only then can the boil burst and be cleaned and healed.

Chiron has some very good support, however, in an exact sextile (60º) aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, the sign of information and communication. So however uncomfortable this or these truths may be, someone versed in the art of communication will be available to help us negotiate these troubled waters. Appropriately, our new Moon has invited Mercury, the god of communication himself, to the negotiating table.

In the past few days, Mercury has come through several potent aspects with each of the outer planets, one after the next: a trine (120º) to Uranus, followed by an opposition (180º) to Neptune, just hours before another trine, this time to Pluto. The Messenger planet, fully living up to his name, received blessings and sudden insights from Uranus, negotiated the dream space with Neptune just prior to asking Pluto for his powerful protection. After relaying these important messages during his cazimi (conjunction) to the Sun, he is now emerging as a fully-fledged ambassador to the outer reaches of the solar system. We may never know what he told the Sun, but his actions leave us with enhanced abilities to mitigate conflict and to negotiate contracts and agreements, the most important of which may very well be with our own Selves.

Remember, this is not just any new Moon cycle - this is an eclipse, which can affect us for months, and have resonance for us 9, 18, 27, 36, etc. years down the road! And, this 2-week period between eclipses has brought up plenty of material to work with, particularly as it relates to one-on-one relationships and partnerships. And hurricanes. Now is not the time to keep the peace at all cost, as Libra is wont to do. If boundaries need to be set, then by all means, set them! Same thing, if a relationship needs to be let go of because it is no longer serving the best interests of both parties, or in case of abuse or other red flag issues. Let it go! Balance is key here - Libra walks a fine line between extremes, or is learning to. This middle way is the path of Wisdom.

Venus, the ruler of this lunation, is about to enter into an agreement of sorts: a grand trine with Mars and Saturn. In her detriment in Scorpio, Venus is deep and moody. She has no time for superficiality, and can easily become defensive when triggered. Mars, in his fall in Cancer is not much better off - frustrated by his weakened state, he resorts to passive/agressive behavior, or is fighting just to stay alive. Saturn in Pisces is in an altered state of consciousness, so the threesome are quite the spectacle to behold. Fortunately, they are connected by trines (120º) in water signs, which allows for flow and the ability to perceive emotion. Saturn will bring gravitas to the conversations that need to take place while negotiating this eclipse, where old karmic ties may be released and new ones are forming. In spite of the difficult positions of Mars and Venus, this grand trine has the potential to calm heated emotion and to encourage dialogue, not just between humans, but also with our guides, mentors and other benevolent beings on the other side of the veil. Just be careful to invoke only those beings with your highest and greatest good at heart, as this is a very powerful portal that can attract all kinds of energies, including malevolent ones.

What’s the take-away? New Moons are times for planting seeds and planting our intentions for what is to come. This one, because it is a south node eclipse, must also be considered an opportunity to break free from the past that has been keeping us locked into a holding pattern, or tied to people who are no longer aligned with our highest good. It will dim the light that has been blinding us from the truth, allowing us to see into the darkness that we didn’t realize was even there. Truths will percolate up from that darkness, along with the accompanying emotions, and we will be faced with a choice: do I slay this dragon here and now, or do I keep at little longer, maybe until the next eclipse, when I will have undergone enough to know that it really no longer serves me or has my best interest at heart?

Please check out my upcoming workshops, especially for those living in southern Louisiana:

Also check out this year's Aligned Awakening, Louisiana's premier festival for exploring our connection to Divine Source Energy, to our inner realms and to one another, through workshops, ritual space, music, dance and so much more! Family-friendly environment, with a fun Kids Kamp. I will be leading a Family Constellations workshop Saturday afternoon.

In Gratitude,

Sarah Songbird

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